announcer: LuxProptech
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Optimize your property assets value
About this Event
Real Estate startups (PropTech) organise information and automation procedures, simplifying management and helping Asset & Property managers save money. It has not only heightened expectations about how smoothly rentals should run, it has raised the bar on speed and service quality.
Accueil – JN.Montrieux (LuxPropTech -Inowai)
Real Estate Management 2.0 with G. Turcas – Managing Partner (Faro Capital partners)
How does digital impact Asset Management with R.Muller Managing director (Firce Capital Funds)
Valorisation des actifs immobiliers par la Tech ( Part 1) with S.Thauk – Managing Director (MVGM Luxembourg)
Valorisation des actifs immobiliers par la Tech. (Part 2) with T. Meyer – Managing Director (Cobelpro Luxembourg)
Introduction des startups luxembourgeoises with G.Winckler (LuxPropTech – BPI Real Estate)
How Digitizing Facilities can Augment the value of your properties with R.Klink (Augment)
Données techniques du bâtiment : Collecter, visualiser et exploiter with JY. Marié (BIM-Y)
Smart indoor air system with massive energy savings with J.Touillon (FooBot)
Atout de l’IOT pour le monitoring des consommations with R. Guillaud & C.Antoine (Polaar Energy)
Save time on building operations with smart maintenance with C.Dockendorf (Symvio)
Conclusion L.Rouach – Président de LuxPropTech asbl
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