announcer: IFE
The event is finished.
BEPS 2.0
The text of the BEPS2.0 Pillar2 Directive is due out in the next few days ! Learn about the topic with the webinar « BEPS 2.0 » hosted by Christian Schlesser – EY to help you prepare for the next stage of tax harmonisation.
An international negotiation is underway, under the OECD, on the question of the taxation of the digital economy and the taxation of multinational companies.
The wish is to establish a global minimum tax rate on corporate profits and unitary taxation of multinationals based on their production and sales activities.
This webinar helps you prepare for this next step in tax harmonization.
We look forward to seeing you on the morning of 3rd December.
Stéphanie Leroy Farasse
IFE Luxembourg by Abilways
+33 (0)1 40 26 00 92Website Luxembourg est une filiale du groupe ABILWAYS. Spécialisée dans la formation des cadres et dirigeants des entreprises, du secteur public et des institutions européennes, IFE Luxembourg vous accompagne depuis plus de 20 ans.