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ILA Coffe chat 12: COVID-19 -Managing current challenges in illiquid funds
This chat will be hosted by Monique Bachner, Member of the ILA Board of Directors, and moderated by Michael Hornsby, Former co-chairman of the ILA Alternatives Taskforce, who will be accompanied by:
– Andrea Montresori, Partner, PwC
– Gilles Dusemon, Partner, Arendt & Medernach
– Hans-Juergen Schmitz, Managing Partner, Mangrove Capital Partners
– Keith Burman, Independent Director
– Peter Veldman, Head of Fund Management, EQT Fund Management
– Robert White, Partner, EY
– Rosa Villalobos, Managing Director, Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets
This Coffee Chat will focus on Managing current challenges in illiquid funds (e.g. Real Estate, Private Equity, Infrastructure, Private Debt) in light of COVID-19.
We will exchange thoughts on:
• Board responsibilities
• Going concern related considerations
• Liquidity in the context of open-ended funds
• Transparency and disclosure to investors
Come and share an e-coffee with us, and hear insights from our speakers
ILA - Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs
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