announcer: PwC
PwC Taxonomy
The event is finished.
Taxonomy – Where do we stand and how can we get prepared for 1 January 2022?
This webinar is the follow up of the one we had back in January. It will take stock of the most recent publications of the ESAS, ESMA, EBA, EIOPA. It will explore what is the implementation milestone to satisfy the first of January 2022 deadline. Most importantly it will explore, how can asset managers leverage on the taxonomy toolbox to set up an attractive sustainable portfolio?
This webinar will cover:
- Reminder of Taxonomy requirements
- Where do we stand?
- How to structure a portfolio based on the taxonomy toolbox?
- Taxonomy milestones
Please note that this event is online and no physical meeting will be held in PwC premises.
For any questions, please contact our Events Team by email (
+352 49 48 48 1Website Rue Gerhard Mercator L-2182 Luxembourg